post your big idea

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post your big idea

Beitrag von ellusion67 »


TV station in my country held a contest named"BIG IDEA' and The Big Idea Competition gives everyone the opportunity to submit idea(s) or concept(s) of original TV show(s) for a chance to win up to RM 80,000 in cash and invaluable recognition in the public and television industry. so guyz,i need your idea guyz.what is the best tv show should be air in my country??...

for more inf0:

P/s:if i win i will go to Japan or any Europe country.

sorry guyz i can't speak germany..

Beiträge: 166
Registriert: 12.06.08 18:53
Penspinner seit: 9. Jun 2008
Postleitzahl: 93133
Land: Deutschland
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Re: post your big idea

Beitrag von Rabbit »

Hm, it's not easy to come up with a new TV-show (correct english?), because all crazy TV-shows are coming from the US to Germany. ^^
Sorry that i have no idea for you ...
Bin wieder "back in business". :O

R.I.P. Big Proof (2. Oktober 1973 - 11. April 2006)
