AyySoLo from PSH

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Registriert: 28.03.09 23:22
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AyySoLo from PSH

Beitrag von AyySoLo »

hi GPC!!!
i'm AyySoLo from PSH/UPSB, i don't know a word of German so ... :shock:

is this the introduction forum for GPC? if it is, then hi :wink:

I started spinning 1 year ago, my favourite pen is IceMT mod and dr.comssa mod. I come to GPC because i'm organizing my 1st collaboration, and i want to find some German spinners to get involved. However, i find that i can't post in the Collaboration forum, so i just wanted to try post here and ask, how do i post in collaboration forum? Does it require me to have a certain number of posts or something?

If i post in the wrong forum, then i'm really sorry...apology to moderators. :roll:

Beiträge: 1755
Registriert: 29.08.08 15:06
Postleitzahl: 30938
Land: Deutschland

Re: AyySoLo from PSH

Beitrag von Might »


Yes thats the introduction forum.

In GPC you have to wait 30 days before you can post in collaboration and other forums.

greez :D
Alles Schnarchnasen und Weicheier hier außer -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSCsGGMpNvM P.S Abonaten not forgaten!

Beiträge: 467
Registriert: 21.02.08 19:48
Penspinner seit: 17. Jun 2008
Postleitzahl: 60388
Land: Deutschland
Wohnort: Frankfurt

Re: AyySoLo from PSH

Beitrag von Guevara »

Hi, welcome here...
so after this 30 weeks you can post it here http://forum.penspinning.de/viewforum.php?f=16
Guevara zu J-P*rn hat geschrieben:Alle Penspinner stehen auf Asiatinnen!!!
